Shadow Works Group

Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio Geoff attended Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio graduating with a degree in Business Pre-Law. During his 4 years of University Geoff also swam for their University's Division 1 swim team, was a member of the schools Student Athletic Committee and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Pursuing a long time dream to become a Navy SEAL, he joined the military 2 months after college graduation. Attending Navy OCS (Officer Candidate School) in Pensacola, Florida, he earned his commission as a Navy Officer then reported to BUD/s (Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL) in Coronado, California. Completing the long, highly intense training program known as BUD/s, Geoff was one of the few to graduate with his original class, while more than 80% of the other participants quit. After completing several advanced training schools, Geoff was pinned with the coveted SEAL Trident and reported to SEAL Team 10, of which he is a "plank owner". Now on the East Coast he helped commission the new Command and was part of the Teams first ever work up and deployment overseas as the AOIC (Assistant Officer in Charge) of a platoon, carrying out missions set forth by the upper echelon.
Upon returning home, new orders took Geoff back West to the Navy Parachute Team, “Leap Frogs”. As OIC (Officer in Charge) of this specialized team, the “Leap Frogs” performed dynamic parachute demonstrations into stadiums for Major League Baseball, National Football League, NASCAR, horse races, high schools, X-Game events, etc. nationwide. Acting as PR personnel, the Leap Frogs promote the Navy and Naval Special Warfare to people of all ages.
Separating from the Navy due to injury, Geoff took his determination and moved to Los Angeles to pursue another career, Hollywood. Living in Los Angeles, California, he has worked as an actor and host, and is able to be seen in movies, television, commercials and more.
The military brotherhood Geoff was used to was missing since he had separated. He wanted to stay connected and be able to give back to the SEAL community which he loved dearly. His love of action sports lead him to create Shadow Works Group, a patriotic action sports brand supporting those protecting our country. The company’s motto: "Live Outside Your Comfort Zone!" Through sales of t-shirts the brand helped sponsor race cars in different professional circuits around the country and a professional skydiving team performing demonstrations into high profile stadiums and events around the country
Bringing his interests together, Geoff took his passion for beauty and speed to the next level when asked if he would write for an online automotive review site. Invited around the country and overseas, Geoff had the opportunity to test drive, host and review auto manufacture latest vehicles. Whether they had 2 or more wheels, he shared his emotional, physical, and practical experience with his audience from an enthusiast’s point of view.
But that wasn’t enough. Geoff wanted to do more than talk about them. He wanted to race them. He sought out and trained at several of the best performance driving schools in the country. Eventually he landed a seat with Skullcandy/ Team Nissan in the Grand Am Continental Tire Series. After a couple years, Geoff followed his co-driver and was brought on board to Team BestIT Racing competing in the Pirelli World Challenge Series in a sprint format. Here he piloted the powerful 2SS, 1LE and Z28 Chevy Camaro over the years. Today, keeping one foot still on the tack, Geoff is one of the hand picked few representing the prestigious Aston Martin brand as one of their North American High Performance Drivers and liaisons.
Over time Shadow Works gained the attention of another company because of the industries it was operating in. Eventually, Geoff’s “Live Outside Your Comfort Zone” action sports brand merged with this technology company and Shadow Works is now the name brand for a new highly protective material made into products protecting military and law enforcement personnel, with Geoff being the face of the company.
Al Onorato -
Jessica Moresco -
Ph: 818.954.9944
Commercial Contact:
Neil Kreppel -
Sheila Di Marco -
Ph: 818.505.1431
Hosting Contactg:
Paul Barrutia -
Ph: 818.505.1431
Voice Over:
Alicia Beekman -
Ph: 818.505.1431
Print Contact:
Patricia Herman -
Ph: 714.850.1158